what you don't see here is that she was climbing with her cup in her mouth!

our sweet friend, moira!! nora enjoys playing with her, and moira thinks david is about the funniest thing in the world!

sweet girls....

two pictures of me pregnant... the first one is with nora, around the same time as this one!!! what fun!!!

our sweet friend, moira!! nora enjoys playing with her, and moira thinks david is about the funniest thing in the world!
a break from playing... in 90* weather!


two pictures of me pregnant... the first one is with nora, around the same time as this one!!! what fun!!!

this weekend, david and i had a date!! it was very nice. some friends volunteered to babysit (as practice for their impending child!!!), so we got to go see a movie! nora was an angel, and loves them. then, nora and i went to the park on saturday morning with some friends. nora had a great time. have i mentioned how she will pose and almost say "cheese" for pictures? she does. you can see that in some of these pictures! last week, david was off on tuesday and he took nora to the zoo while i had Bible study and lunch with a friend. they had a great time! nora thought she looked so cool in her sunglasses!!
her hair is getting long, and i am considering getting it cut. she loves her new chair, especially standing up in it. it is posing problems, however, because she stands in defiance to her parents! and you can tell she knows it is wrong and she is testing us!!!
so, the santa anas have kicked up again this weekend. for those of you who don't know, they are winds that come from the desert. they are usually the driving force in our wildfires. (and proving to cause problems throughout the state again this time.) last night, we had a gamenight at some friends house. they live about 20 minutes east, and a slightly higher elevation. i thought i might blow away from the winds! driving home, we saw tumbleweed blowing down the street. david and i just laughed. but, i don't ever remember the santa ana's being this bad. it's 94* today... and mid-november!!! our eyes are dry, and everyone (even me without allergies) have colds and stuffy noses. it's so dry and hot.
alright, that's my complaining. we go to colder weather for thanskgiving!!!
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