i know it's a lot of video, but i keep forgetting to add them! so, here they are. the first one (in purple jammies) is of nora, maybe a month ago? she was showing off her new words. i forget that she can "talk", so i have to pay attention, because some of the "words" just sound like sounds she is making. but they are intentional! like, "alk (silent l)"... meaning she wants to walk on her own, not be carried. also used when she hears me talking about going on a walk. if you make it a slight "r" instead of silent l, you get "park" (also known as "ark). "sssss" (like a snake) can mean juice or shoes.
she has also picked up the sign for help. she gets frantic about it, because it usually is preceeded by the frantic sign for please, and when that isn't heeded, help comes next! at least her intentions are right.
tonight, we sat down for dinner, and nora folded her hands to wait for us to pray! what an angel!!! she picked up david's shoes off the floor the other day, and i said "are those daddy's shoes?". to which she replied "dada sssss". how fun!!!
she is a drama queen... probably aided by us, because it's so cute to see her yawn or sneeze! the second video includes these, as well as the new chair we finally bought her. (don't tell her, but it's her christmas present!!!) she loves to climb in and out of it! i think she just feels like a big girl. she also has happy feet. but, you have to watch the WHOLE video to see happy feet at the end! it's quite cute!!
she will hand me her pluggy in the mornings, because she knows that she can't have it out of bed. when i ask if she wants nummies (food), she runs to her high chair and waits to be put into it. when she wants up, she says "up". this is such a fun age, watching her learn new things all the time. she is quite repetitive of me... she will copy all done and other words! i am trying to be VERY careful what i say!!!
as for james... nothing new on that front, but i will keep everyone updated. we don't expect to learn anything new for the next two months or so. but, i do feel him move quite a bit! and i will try to get some more pictures on here soon!!! tonight, i was nesting and rearranging!! (david loves when i do this... i just remind him that it's cheaper than buying all new things, and the same effect is accomplished! a new living space!)