so....nora is STILL teething... i keep thinking "today is the day". but then, nothing comes through. i feel like they get so close, then go back. and nora is a FABULOUS sleeper. she goes down for naps and to sleep without crying. but, the last several nights, she wakes up, just as i am getting ready for bed, screaming and almost inconsolable. i have tried letting her cry it out. then i pick her up and try feeding her. but that's not really what she wants either. so, i rock her. sometimes that works. last night was the hardest... she was up for about an hour right as i was trying to go to sleep.
i struggle with what to do. sometimes, she will fall asleep in bed with me. i have read the books and i don't want to start a new pattern of getting up at night. i don't want her to think it's okay to sleep in our bed! i don't want to HAVE to rock her to sleep.
but, last night, as i was praying desperately for these teeth to come in, i thought about how fortunate i am that my daughter is ONLY teething. she's alive. she is healthy. she is a normal 7 month old. she is an angel 99% of the time. she travels easily and laughs WAY more than she cries. she doesn't have cancer or some other sickness. i have so much to be thankful for. and time goes so fast, so if i have to spend an hour just rocking and kissing my baby... what better way is there to spend an hour? tomorrow, she'll be in college and i won't have that luxury! so, the joy of teething! speaking of... there's the angel waking up from her nap!
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