13 November 2007

okay, so we were at jazzercize the other day, and this woman started breastfeeding her daughter as she was doing sit-ups! i was just proud of myself for bringing my daughter to jazzercize! seriously... sit-ups and breastfeeding?!?!
monday was veteran's day... kinda weird that i am now a veteran! we went out to lunch with denise and ben! the cute boy who's profile you can see is ben. denise was the first person EVER to see nora! and such a great friend and midwife for the last year...
the first picture is the reason that i love living in san diego! enough said.
the other day, i was carrying nora upstairs to change her diaper, and i had one of those moments... i looked at her and realized that i have a baby. a daughter. a kid. i mean, i know that i have a little girl. i love her more than i could have ever imagined loving anyone! and yet, sometimes i a struck with the realization that i am a grown-up, totally responsible for someone else! it's quite a thought.
nora is grasping at things and pulling her pluggy out of her mouth! it's so cute. we have her FOUR month check-up this week! i'll let you know how much she weighs after that. then, we are getting ready to go home for thanksgiving! we can't wait!!! and, no one at home can wait either! she has changed so much.....

1 comment:

Kate D said...

That lady breastfeeding and doing sit ups is TOTALLY CRAZY! That is hilarious!

I know exactly what you mean about suddenly realizing that you have a BABY! It's crazy and awesome.

She gets cuter every time I see her picture! Love those blue eyes.

Say hi to your family at Thanksgiving!