at the zoo... nora was having a GREAT time! i think she opened her eyes for about ten minutes all day...

mommy, nora and the hippo... the hippo is the one in the glass! just kidding. we were having fun!

here is more video. if you get bored, just stop it! i put a lot of her not doing much on there for the grandmas and aunts. but, i am not offended if you don't watch it all.
i am sitting here watching baby signs, so i can eventually start teaching them to nora. it's kinda fun! the moms on the dvd are kinda cheesy! oh well. my favorite is play. it's the hang-ten sign. makes sense!
today, we went to bible study, and there are several other babies around nora's age in the group. last week, a few of the babies laid on the floor and talked to each other all class. nora slept. this week, she was awake for a bit, and since she loves looking at her babydoll and froggy, i laid her next to one of the babies to talk to. she was not having any of it. she turned her head away and laid there by herself until she was hungry a few mintues later. she looked at me like "mom, why are you making me talk to this other baby?" oh well... maybe next week.
last thing... my new favorite. i would take a picture, but blogspot won't let me put obscene things on the blog and this might qualify. nora's new favorite eating habit is smiling and laughing as she tries to eat. it's so funny to watch, because she just wants to talk, but she wants to eat as well. she's not sure what to do more! (can you see why i can't take a video??) she has discovered that there are other things going on when she is eating, and she might be missing something.
one more favorite! sleep.... last night, nora slept for 11 hours straight! she has been sleeping for about 12 hours total, waking up only once to eat. but last night, we slept through the whole night! and, she woke up happy, not starving! it's so nice, but my baby is growing up... as much as i love sleep, i am not sure i am ready for that! okay, this is a long post. i will write more often so as not to go on so long... enjoy!