yesterday was a very fussy day. almost all day. she wouldn't sleep like normal. she ate at weird times for her. and she slept a lot of the day. i was worried we were in for a very long night. around 9pm, i fed her. when she was done, she was WIDE awake! i figured i could stay up with her a bit, since david has to work! the eyelids started getting heavier, but she was still so fussy. i walked and sang (thankfully she hasn't realized that my voice is not going to win any american idol competitions!!). finally, she started to doze off. when she was asleep, i put her in her pack n play. that lasted about five minutes. so, i did it again. again, she fell asleep. so, i put her back down. this time, it lasted 2 minutes. so, david got up. he did the same thing (by the way, it's so cute to hear him sing to his baby daughter!!). and he put her down. that lasted about two minutes. you could say we were a little frustrated! finally, after his second try, she fell asleep for good. that was about 10:30 pm. she didn't wake up until 2:30 am!! after that feeding she went back to sleelp fairly quickly. at 6:40 am, david woke me up to kiss me goodbye! i have decided that i will take all that fussiness for a night of sleep like that! let's just hope it continues!!! (she woke up just after that to eat!)
one more thing, just to vent while i have your attention. if it's not one thing, it's another! last week, i found termites on my bed, descending from the wood beams above! i was a little grossed out!!! so, the guy came yesterday to get rid of them.
it's been HOT here! like in the 100's. yesterday was SO COOL!! (it was like 85). but we were still so hot, laying in bed. i figured it was just my hormones! david went downstairs this morning to discover that our A/C isn't putting out cold air anymore. if it's not one thing, it's another! okay, the best baby ever is crying... time to go!!
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