23 August 2007


so... i have been told i can no longer write on my own blog because my husband does such a fantastic job! however, i have a few things to say...

no one tells you that being a mom (or i am sure a parent for that matter) is going to hurt so bad. i hurt with worry. all the time. it's been a good lesson, again, in learning that i am not in control, but God is. and, i can't change a thing by worrying. nor will i add an hour to my life. i have to let it go and let God be in control... such a constant battle. the awesome thing is that He loves my baby more than i do (and that's pretty hard to imagine). thankfully, david worries a little less than i do and can calm me down. but, i worry that she's not eating enough... then that she is eating too often. and now she has a cold... so i feel bad and hate hearing her snuffle. i worry that i have let too many people see her... but i know it builds her immune system. all that to say, i love being a mom and can't believe that this little girl now depends on us for EVERYTHING! what an amazing responsibility! thanks mom and dad (and mom and dad haile) for the way that you raised us, and all the worrying that you did and continue to do! thanks for all the prayers... keep them coming!

as an aside, she seems to be getting over the cold, but i imagine it's a little frustrating not being able to blow your nose or clear your throat. and that sucky thing that we try to help out with just looks like no fun! i wouldn't want that shoved up my nose!

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