06 November 2011


at the beach with my love....
in the water of his own volition!!!
helping me make her gluten free apple donuts today! she was so excited.
eating his donut at church this morning. in one bite...
cheering her daddy on in zelda!
her eye patch. just like aunt lu had to wear. and it had to be a circle, not a rectangle. she wanted to be just like aunt lu. it was so sweet!!!
he was nemo. daddy was marlin. sissy was dory. i was crush. fun times!
just loving being with his daddy....
diamond head in the background!
fall decs and my $5 target purchase. my fall decs are handmade. by my favorite baby sister!

so, it's been a week! sorry bout it. i kept trying to upload my pics, but my camera battery died. and i have to find the charger. (james had one of them, i know i have a few more, but still...) hence the instagram pics! the other ones will be a surprise soon!!!

we had a great week. and a great weekend! it was just fun to be together as a family. and spend some time with friends. and david and i went out last night... a work function, that is always fun. it's fun to see david through his peers' eyes. i married a great man!!! (when i told him that, he told me, "i don't need to be a great man. i just need to be your man". aww... i love him!)

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