01 June 2011

a ton of pictures...

main street, usa!

oh, and this was only the beginning of the parade. do you see will saying, "what is this kid's problem???"...

the national anthem. i think i teared up. at the anthem, at the serious look on my daughter's face. how she didn't move her hand from her heart the WHOLE time!

trying to hold my hand over my heart, like a good citizen, veteran and navy wife, and hold on to my son!!!

watching the parade go by...

dancing to the music!

relaxing for a hot minute...

lori and andrew... a cute couple!

so thankful for this girl!

and that our kids get along well!!

ate the whole bag of gummy bears... but it kept him entertained!

and... we're done.

me and my daddy. so thankful that this man decided to come with me to help with my children! it make the parade so much more enjoyable!! and, he's just a fun guy to be around!!

making mud pies after the parade...

a snack for the girls...

gosh, i love that belly!!! my sweet baby boy...

going to the bathroom! glad we have no qualms about that one!!

enjoying the water!

playing while i coerced his sissy to get her clothes back on!

like his daddy, this is the best cheese i could get today!

kid loves to entertain! and he gets a reaction when he puts something on his head and chase us...

my sweet brother, doing the landscaping. it looks GOOD! (so does he!!)

my sweet babies in the pool today...

i love this kid! he was having fun playing in the water...

my mom, bro and i got a sitter and went to see a movie tonight. the new tyler perry/madea one. it was GOOD. i love the messages that hit home, and the way he so openly talks about God! one of the things a character said was (paraphrased, cause my memory isn't that good!), "God gives us each day as a gift. and when He stops giving the gift, i get to wake up in His presence." what a great reminder. especially as some this week have woken up with Him! and i want to live my life that way!!

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