30 May 2011

the only one...

my sweet boy on the sit and spin.

so, i took a TON of pics today. okay, lori took a ton on my camera, too! we went to a parade, then had a gloriously relaxing afternoon at her house while the girls played outside and the boys slept. and, i left my camera at her house. so, i'll upload those pics tomorrow... the cute ones of jamey being so excited about the band in the parade, and nora solemnly holding her hand over her heart for the national anthem. both my kids in red, white and blue. my tear filled eyes as i watched the parade, and my kids, with pride. for who my kids are. for who their daddy is. for the men and women who have served and continue to serve in the military. and for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for my freedom. it was a good day. and WORE my kids out. so far, no ice cream or movies tomorrow... (privileges taken away before bed...) at least they are sleeping!!!

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