18 February 2009

reading the Bible...

you can see in the purple jammies why nora now has bangs cut.  i felt bad, cause she couldn't see through all her hair!  she had three purses and a cloth noah's ark that she carried around all day saturday.  she wanted all of them at the same time!  a woman after my own heart!  a girl can't have too many purses!  

she has a newfound fascination with pictures, especially sticking them in places where mommy and daddy laugh!  

we met some friends, the hassons, et al, at seaport village the other day.  the hassons are the ones who introduced david and me.  (THANKS, by the way!!!)  they were in town visiting.  on the way there, i realized i had forgotten a pacifier.  but, since nora only gets them at bedtime, i figured we would be okay.  and we so weren't!  but mr. hasson and new dad-to-be ran to the grocery store down the street and saved the day!!! (i should mention that she had it in her mouth as we were getting ready to go.... and lost it on the way out the door!) we got to ride the carousel, but again nora wasn't too pleased to go on it with me!  growing up, i was pretty sure those things went WAY TOO SLOW!  now, i am pretty sure they go WAY TOO FAST!!  or maybe it's just california carousels.  or my motion sickness setting in... or me getting old!!!  oh well...

then, we had dinner at a favorite restaurant!  and here's a picture, so you all know i am NOT the size of a whale, contrary to the remarks i have posted recently!  

nora found a bag of trader joe's chips on the floor.  somehow, sadie managed to get them off the kitchen table, from inside of a bowl, but not eat them!!  so, nora found them and decided that she needed a snack!!!  at least it's healthier (flaxseed and veggie tortilla chips- super good if you haven't had them!!!)

and she read the Bible yesterday!  she has a toddler Bible, and just flipped through it all day!  can't say i can complain about her choice in books!

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