24 February 2009

ice chips and ear drums...

so, my ear drum ruptured yesterday.  and yes, it is as painful as it sounds!  i think, from what i remember, it was as bad as labor!  except, labor produces this wonderful child... and the ear drum just hurts!!  i was sitting on the couch, sobbing, and nora and sadie just stared at me.  nora was so sweet, snuggling and hugging me.  we were laying on the couch watching a "bean show" and she just laid next to me.  what a sweet baby. 

david and i had our tour of the birth center and hospital last night.  instead, we spent 4 hours having my ear looked at....  not near as much fun.  or nearly as informative.  i saw three ent's (ear, nose and throat doctors), and several other nurses and midwives!  however, the plus side is that i got to have ICE CHIPS!!!  there is something about the hospital ice chips that is like heaven.  it was SOOO good.  i might have to find a reason to go back, just to get more ice chips!  
all that to say, i am feeling SO MUCH better now.  they say the pain should be gone, now that my ear drum is ruptured.  

okay, picture of sadie... i don't usually put them on here, but she looked so funny with her tongue hanging out!  

1 comment:

hclehnig said...

Heather has had several ruptured eardrums in the past, and they are painful!!
Congrats, by the way, on the beautiful little girl, and the new one on they way... : )

Love ya,
Heidi and family...