in case you missed the facebook updates, david is home. he came home on thursday morning. the last few weeks have been busy, crazy and fun. my mom and two of her friends came in last sunday. we played tourist, and got the house ready. (and i had mani/pedis, a haircut, etc...) i went grocery shopping. and finished up the projects i wanted done. so that when david walked in, there wasn't anything to "do".
thursday morning, i got up EARLY! i couldn't sleep. i got up, did my hair, did my makeup. my mom helped get the kids ready, and made breakfast. we picked up the last few things. the friends came from the hotel they got and we got loaded in the car. our sign was hung on the garage door. our poster was in the car. thankfully, they let my mom on base! (there was an "approved" list for the day. she had the second car, so they could leave straight from there and go back downtown...)
we got there about 8:30am. got unloaded and staked out our spot. it was in the shade. ship friends started arriving. we chatted. and then another friend texted asking about david's homecoming. (i had been pretty tight-lipped about it) i told her he was on his way through the channel (she lives by where he would pass). she happened to be out and met us on the pier instead. it was so much fun! then, four families from church showed up. i felt so loved and supported. and so amazingly excited.
my friend heard someone mention that you could see the ship. we looked down to the end of the harbor and could see the ship's mast. and then i could see a tug spinning around in the harbor, blowing up two sprays of water, celebrating that it was coming home. and then, every ship in the harbor started their "aloha whistles". their long blasts, welcoming their friends home from deployment.
that was when i cried. seeing the tug, hearing the whistles, seeing the ship. the navy band played next to us.
we had talked about moving down the pier. but i stayed put, because we were in the shade. when the ship pulled up to the pier, david was directly above us. we couldn't have picked a better spot. my tears were gone and it was just joy at that point. i will tell you, there were others crying. good tears.
we waved. and blew kisses. and mouthed "i love you". and i just took in the fact that my love was home. they started the "ceremony" of it all. the men who became dads while they were gone, they came off the ship first, and held their children for the first time. the co/xo/cmc came off. i think someone said some words, but we were too far away to hear.
then, they announced "liberty call". and the sailors started coming off the ship. it didn't take david long. i saw him on the quarterdeck. and we hurried down to the brow, where he walked off. and i got to kiss and hug my husband. "the longer the waiting, the sweeter the kiss..." it was worth the wait.
we had a wonderful weekend. thursday was wonderful, just having family time. friday, david and i went downtown to stay in waikiki for the weekend. we had a blast! the kids had a blast with my mom and their new "aunties". we came back sunday, rested and rejuvenated. and reconnected. sunday and monday were family days. beach, birthday parties, fun. today, david is back to work. but life is normal. it has been (for the last few days) an easy transition. a fun transition.
and the pics will be posted soon!!!!