31 March 2011
still no camera...
29 March 2011
more birthday and some rhody...
26 March 2011
a par-tay!
25 March 2011
my jamey baby

my sweet jamey baby. i can't really call you that anymore. my sweet jamey boy. you are SUCH a boy. so grown up. so BIG! i can't believe how fast two years has gone. i can't believe the things you say and do! you are such a joy to me. such a charmer to those around (when you aren't throwing temper tantrums...). people who know your whole story will look at you and say, "what a miracle baby". i forget all that we have been through. i forget that they told us at 20 weeks that you would have shortened femurs and have to have surgery at puberty to correct it. and they were wrong. that there were so many uncertainties for varying lengths of time when i was pregnant, and about the details of you. i forget that you had club feet. even though i still put you in your bar every night. i forget what your casts were like. how long the process seemed then, and how fast it went by! i had to retell the orthotics guy the other day, and he was amazed at my memory of it, but it was so long ago! look at how you run and play. constantly moving.
24 March 2011
my big baby boy, pushing the cart at the grocery store. until i bribed him to get into a cart, because this was going to be less than fun. but he really had a good time for the 5 minutes i let him do this!!!
he got cars for his birthday! and he loves lining them all up. and asking me what each was is named. and sleeping with them.
this is nora's story from school. that she narrated to the teacher. it sounds like there was more that just couldn't fit on the page. it's also like twice as long as any of the other kids' stories!
at the prosthetics/orthotics office the other day. the bench that feet go on to try on shoes... james thought it was his personal slide. and loved it. he was so entertained!
this morning, i had on a (fake) fur vest. i got james up and we were coming downstairs. he said, "pretty mommy". my heart melted.
my sweet husband swept off the inch and a half of snow from my car and moved it into the garage for me! i love him!!
also... i am in the process of setting up an online shop and getting a "logo" done! it is sweet... you are going to love it!
and, uconn won tonight. i was banished to the kitchen, because when i left the kitchen, they started doing poorly. (thankfully, i didn't have to go back to the grocery store, because that's where i was when they first started doing well... i was not, however, allowed to put back on my jersey after the grocery store run... )
yesterday, i made snacks for Bible study today, jamey's cake, and treats for school next week. it was so nice to have that all done! and done in one afternoon! tonight, i made the icing... tomorrow is his big day! my baby is going to be two!!!
21 March 2011
my sweet baby!
chatting with dd... such a BIG boy!
a little something in anticipation for the birthday this week!
this not having a camera thing is disarming. i keep forgetting to post (or send pics from the phone) because i don't have any pictures to share! i am hoping to hear back this week about the camera, and what is going on with it.
a friend took nora after school today, and it was just me and jamey. and no schedule! it was nice! (however, on the way to school, we stopped by several police stations work on getting our car registered. i couldn't remember who did the checks needed on what day and at what time! my kids were like, "another police station?"...) dropped nora off, realized we couldn't get the required check done, and took jamey up to the prosthetics place in mass. to get his bar adjusted. the feet are not at equal angles out (for his club feet, they are supposed to face about 70* out, and one shoe was about 5* off), and i think he's grown, so the width of the bar needed adjusted.
the guy there was sweet and a chatter... and talked over my child having a temper tantrum and trying to rip out my earrings and hair. and even said, "it was such a pleasure". i wanted to say, "were you in the same room i was?". anyway... then, we stopped at this grocery store on the island i have been meaning to check out. i am in love! it was so nice!
THEN! i got a two hour nap! nora got home and was telling me about school. the way she described a situation that happened, it felt like there was more to the story and i wasn't getting the whole truth. she kept saying she did nothing, but still wasn't allowed to do something because of what happened. i tried several lines of questioning. finally, she told me, "that's all there is to tell. i am done talking about this. trust me". and hugged me. it was so sweet! and i trusted her (but verified by calling the teacher, who had no idea the situation i even referenced and said nothing was wrong! my child was exuding guilt for no reason!)
also, about said child... i write this with trepidation. but, most nights (say, 6/7) we have dry unders! it's so nice!! and i am so proud!
jamey can sing the whole last verse to "it is well with my soul". it is so precious! he retains so much info that he can repeat verbatim! love it. speaking of that, a friend was over yesterday... i had a 5, 4, 3 and 2 year old in my house!, and she read a book to the kids. nora grabbed the same book and "read" it from memory... thinking she did it the same way as hannah! it was funny!
about having the kids yesterday! their mom had to go out of town for a funeral, and i had the two kids, who were absolute joys! (and good birth control!) but, it made me think... here's a mom that i sew with and know from Bible study. she's wonderful. we have only really been hanging out since january. she's also a military wife. and needed something. and i could do something.
i thought about so many times some of my best friends don't live near me any more (not that i don't love the new friends i make!), but these are the ones i have been friends with for years. decades for some. and keep in touch with over the phone. and sometimes visits. and would love to drop everything and do something when their child has surgery, they go into labor, their husband leaves for deployment, they have a bad day, etc... but, i am not there, and someone else is filling that void. but i am here. God has put me here in these friends' lives. and they are also not near some of their best friends. but we, as military wives especially, can be best friends by proxy. we can fill those needs and help each other out, because our bestest friends can't.
again, my rambling. this is what happens when i don't post very often... hope you enjoyed it and hope that last bit makes sense!!
james has his true two year appointment next week (and nora a school physical!), but as of today, he is 33 inches and 26.5 pounds...
18 March 2011
another sick day...
nora woke up last night throwing up. i mean, it was in her eyes (how i am not sure... seriously!). she was up four more times. the first time, she told me, "remember when i was sick at mom-mom's. you forgot to give me the pan this time". (i had given her a pan to throw up in. well, if i had known...) so, i put her trash can next to her bed. with a bag in it. one of the four times, she made it in there... and i found her laying on her princess rug next to the mat. so sad!!
so, today, when i told her i didn't feel good, she went and got her trash can (she had already taken the bag out and thrown it away... such a big girl!), and put a paper towel in it because that was all she could find. she told me, "i'll be the mommy and you be the nora and i'll take care of you". oh, my heart broke. and i took a nap. until daddy got home. and then i slept for two more hours... and now, i am feeling a little better!
prior to my REALLY not feeling well, we had a tea party on the porch. she was "miss clavel" and i was "madeline". so much fun.
she was so intent. she LOVES tea parties. prior to "miss clavel/madeline", i was "libby". i am really excited that we get to spend two months with libby and her mommy and brother this summer.
i came downstairs around 6pm, because i was sick of our (brand new) bedroom. but, couldn't move off the couch. i really had wanted to put the kids in bed again, so my sweet husband (who surprised us with lunch today) could watch march madness. but, he was wonderful and put them in bed. (it also coincided with a break between games) then, he came downstairs and asked if i needed anything. when i told him a diet coke would settle my stomach, and only the fountain kind, because i believe that's the only kind worth drinking, he went. and missed some of the games for it.
for five years, i thought i ranked just below march madness in his life! it's so good to know where i really stand! that he really loves me more than mm!!! (and no, it was not a test... ) so, tonight, i puked and laid on the couch watching a movie on the mac, and he watched mm. a wonderful night. here's hoping i feel as good tomorrow as nora did by the afternoon!!! (running and playing "chase you" with daddy and jamey. jamey got to be the first "madeline" this afternoon... i rescued him!)
17 March 2011
found one...
my night... i am a march madness widow for awhile... david was teaching his kids all about the joys of mm tonight. and i put on my jersey (which could work either way... if they lose, i am kicked out of ever wearing it, or maybe being around even if uconn plays again, or if they win, i might have to wear it and watch every night!!)!
can i just talk...
16 March 2011
14 March 2011
a REALLY long post...
i was so anxious about our flight... flying by myself with an almost two year old "lap baby". not sure how that was going to work. thankfully, we were flying southwest, and it was not a full flight (how does that happen the week of spring break to orlando???), and we got a whole row! it was wonderful. quite possibly the best flight i have ever been on with two kids. i got to read about 60 pages in a book, flip through the in fight magazine, and close my eyes for a few minutes. the kids were great. so entertained, and nora was so grown up and helpful. james was in his carseat by the window and he was so entertained by what was outside the window. what a cute boy. it keeps striking me this week how GROWN UP he is!
the most anxiety inducing for me is the getting on and off the plane. i have a carry on bag, two kids and a carseat. thankfully, a nice couple offered to help. i had seen them at several points throughout the morning, and honestly, they didn't look super friendly or amused by children. they were our age or younger. but, they were right behind me and when they saw me folding up the stroller at the end of the runway, and probably did the math of my arms to amount of stuff to carry ratio, they offered to help. i said thanks, and he replied that they would be in the same boat some day.
getting off the plane (here's to NO LAYOVERS!), nora had to go potty. i had jamey strapped to me in the carrier, nora walking, my big llbean bag on one seat and the carseat on the other seat in the stroller. some woman walking next to us told me, "i am a nurse. can i watch your stuff while you take her in to the bathroom?". it was so sweet. as we were waiting (the bathroom was closed), nora noticed that she had the same flip flop necklace i had. we chatted for a few minutes, and then went potty. we came out, and she offered to walk with us the rest of the way. since she seemed to be waiting for a flight, and we were going to baggage, i told her it was okay. plus, my parents were meeting us in baggage. she said, "God bless". i could have cried.
there was so much in the airport. it was awesome. we meandered down to baggage (two flights down), and saw the fountain, the disney shop, the shampoo shop (sea world, which was okay, because nora told me it wasn't the "real" shampoo), and took a tram. (maybe the tram came first...) we got to baggage and got our stuff just as the fam's plane landed. the kids waited patiently, got them, got our cars and went to CHICK FIL A for lunch!! Heaven all around.
after lunch and a grocery trip, we went to my mom's dear friend's house for dinner. i grew up remembering so many fond times at missy road's house. it was so fun to see my daughter love it. they also just loved being able to run, outside, play in the grass, and get nice and dirty. they are such fun friends (and love to wrestle). it's cute to watch... nora got to have one of missy road's tea parties, and she LOVED it. she also got new tinkerbell jammies in honor of the trip.
then, home to bed.... a big day tomorrow...
we happened upon the princesses first, and there was not a long wait. it is such a joy to watch nora watch the princesses. she is just mesmerized. just in awe. we thought jamey would love it. when we put him down to say hi, he just said, "sissy. this is nora". like he had to introduce her! it was cute. he would hug her and show her off to the princess. i hope that defense and protection of his sister continues!
he was not a fan of waiting in the first few lines, but loved the rides when we got on them. then, we got to aladdin and jasmine. we put jamey down again, he took one look at aladdin, and started crying. SO NOT A FAN! (i also made the mistake of taking him on haunted mansion. he was not a fan of the dark...)
then, we hit up small world. both kids were mesmerized and loved it. soon, it was naptime for a boy. the adults when on space mountain and nora got to see minnie and mickey. we got to go on peoplemover and carousel of progress (two of my favorite rides, that they don't have at disneyland!!). finally, everyone was awake and we did buzz lightyear. three times. that was the hit of the day. we had gotten fast passes, and got on right away every time. the kids LOVED it. at one point, you are flying through space, space mountain-dark-like, and jamey got this terrified look on his face. he tried to cover his eyes, but wanted to see. it was SO FUNNY to watch. the next two times, he loved it.
then, we found chip and dale's dance party. nora was very hesitant at first to go up to the costumed furry characters. after a few minutes, she was up there dancing. she is my mother's granddaughter. she got chip's hand, and wouldn't let anyone else in to hold it. she danced for no less than a half hour. had a BLAST! jamey went in and danced for a few minutes. then, we had a great dinner where the kids INHALED their chicken nuggets. and refused any fries.
we wanted to stay for the parade, and meandered that way. the kids asked for the teacups, and dd and byssa offered to take them. i can do a lot for my kids, but teacups is where i draw the line. they LOVED it. both kids will tell you that was their favorite ride. it was fun to watch the two kids with my two kids!!!
then, it was time for the parade. we got to the route in perfect time to get good spots. five minutes later, it was five deep behind us. we waited and saw all the "goods" they sell. nora wanted some of the sparklies. fortuitously, i had bought a twirly-wand-light up thing for $5 at wal-mart and glow bracelets for $1 at target. nora had no idea that they were any different. (someone caved and bought jamey the buzz lightyear light up so he had one, too... not me!) we all had on our glow bracelets and loved it. i think i saw about 0.5 seconds of the parade, because i was watching nora. she was shouting to each character, like they were only there for her. when they didn't look, she was hurt. (all but one waved in her general direction.) i mean, her face. she LOVED seeing them. james was fairly entertained, too!
then came a light show and fireworks. (it was nine pm and the kids were being AMAZING!) a great firework show, and the kids had so much fun. both fell asleep just as it ended. nora didn't wake up again, despite being changed into jammies and a pull-up. jamey fell asleep on the way home, and slept through most of his changing. he screamed for 30 seconds, and stopped mid-scream. and we all slept till 8:45 am. and here we go again!
funny story about yesterday... we were standing in line. i was trying to distract nora, and pointed out a little four year old-ish girl in a snow white outfit. here's what happened:
me- nora, look! she's in a snow white costume
girl- turned to look at us, since i had called attention to her. then, ran SMACK into a trash can because she wasn't paying attention... i am still laughing. it's SO wrong. i felt SO BAD. i laughed till i cried yesterday.
today was animal kingdom. we saw this cool "lion king" show. and were quite disappointed to find out that the "everest" ride fastpasses were gone. so, we were thinking about leaving, and someone handed us all the fastpasses we needed for it! how cool is that?? the kids enjoyed it and jamey had another good nap! he's so big! it's fun to have him actually hold my hand to walk around... and nora is so grown up. she chats your ear off, makes up things, and is mature.
just before bed, i gave jamey a "woody" guy that i bought at target. i was going to try to keep it from nora, because she is going to get a present in the morning. she came up and saw it, and was so great about it. i was so impressed.... she asked if she could have a "jessie" doll for her birthday. no big deal about not getting anything tonight. she's also been really good about not having attitude when i don't buy her everything she wants...
tuesday was a pool day. it's a great pool here at the resort. there is a lazy river, that nora jumped right into. the current carried her away before we realized she was out of arms reach. thankfully, she could swim alright and we got her. there is also the receding entry and a cool slide. jamey really wanted to go down it, so we figured we would try. he ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. we went continuously for about an hour. nora went once or twice, until i dunked her accidentally. she wasn't a fan of that.
after naps, ben and susan johnson and the boys (friends from san diego who now live in fla) came to visit. it was so much fun to see them. we went back to the pool (except jamey who took a four hour nap) and then to house of blues for dinner. so much fun to see them. we got back late, again, and all fell into bed.
today was hollywood studios (formerly mgm), and then lunch with the princesses. at hollywood studios, we got to see a "little mermaid" show and a "beauty and the beast" show. it was so much fun. both kids loved seeing the live shows.
we got to epcot and got ready to have lunch with the princesses. then, i realized that my camera wasn't working. at first, i thought battery, which was frustrating because it was fully charged last night. but, no, it was just the lcd screen. i am about to go look at the pictures, so it will be interesting to see what we come up with. thankfully, i think it's insured. so, we did lunch with the princesses in norway. it was a lot of fun... to see nora's reaction, and excitement! jamey was watching "shows" on my phone (a lifesaver, since he HATES waiting in line and has watched a ton to distract him when all else fails!), and when the princesses talked to him, he just wanted to show them the show.
we went on the "maelstrom" ride, and enjoyed it, then to the "nemo" and "imagination" rides. we saw "captain eo", and considered leaving. it was thundering and lightening. but, we hadn't done spaceship earth yet, and thought we would hit it (all the rides at the end of the day were 5 minute waits). we came out to a complete and total downpour. the kids were not enjoying it, but i decided to embrace it. i told the kids it was an adventure, and nora started to like it.
we ran through it to the car and nora told me it was like going potty in her stroller.... an interesting analogy, but her seat was filled with water when she got thrown into it, so.... the whole way to the car (as the rain died down), nora kept telling jamey it was a fun, rainy adventure. it was so cute.
thursday it rained and we stayed in. played games and went to chick fil a for lunch. can't beat that! on friday, mom, dad and the kids got up and went to magic kingdom. they said no one was there and did all the rides by noon. they didn't have to wait for anything. dave, byss and i went to epcot and did soaring (which we hadn't done), and found the crowds, waiting for the monorail. i think the tour buses got there just before we did, because it was packed. we hit up space mountain again, and nora wanted to wait 50 minutes for peter pan. i kept trying to talk her out of it, but that's what she wanted. so, we waited. and waited. but, she was so good. and wanted to stay and enjoyed it... (they closed the ride right after we went on it. something about a tinkerbell about to fall on someone!)
everyone left, and david and i went on pirates and headed back. we spent the night packing and playing cards. the kids were great again on the trip home! here's to disney!