05 October 2015

a busy, double dipping, weekend!

catching up with a new/old friend.  we both grew up in cle, were navy nurses, married navy men, and joined ava's team!  and SO MUCH MORE in common.  so fun to see her pretty face!

i was invited to a leadership summit with ava anderson non toxic for a recent promotion i got!

and navy also played uconn in hartford the same weekend...

(spells out "uconn")

the navy cheering section!!  (plus just about everyone else we know in newport!)

the american flag!


this little buddy (chris) fell asleep at halftime... and slept the rest of the game!

fam pic (minus b- who stayed home!).

pretty dinner back at the avaDAY

quick pic with ava.

meeting bill the goat!

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