07 October 2013


my sickie boy this weekend.  he's reached the crabby stage.  better, but not all the way.  just enough to be crabby!

part of my spouses conf this weekend...  after our water adventure, they gave us a real hawaiian treat!  fresh coconut!  straight out of that coconut (and others) he cracked!  and li hing mui pineapple.  AH-MAZ-ING!  i had never tried pineapple that way.  and i thought it couldn't get better!

sweet grown up boy.  except he kept trying to go backwards and getting his toes...

my eldest is very sensitive right now.  any bit of correction can bring tears and profuse sorrow.  i am thankful for the sweet, gentle heart and trying to mold it and not break it!  but i routinely get apologies like this, either written or said.  it's precious.  i love that girl!  

a friend is out of town, so i invited her kids and her mom over for dinner tonight.  man, was my family a three ring circus.  c cried the whole time.  j got an earache from the pool this afternoon.  nora felt left out with all the boys.  as soon as i would pick up a fork to take a bite, someone would need something! thankfully her mom had 4 kids and totally gets it!  i tried to tell her we don't always look like this!!!  oh well..  i had fun!  

i also had a baby visit today...  my little almost 17 week baby looks good.  i can feel the baby moving occasionally!  and nora asked tonight where the baby was going to sleep.  j was playing with me the other day and told me to tell him if he was hurting the baby.  i love that they are at an age where they get it right now.  

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