02 October 2009


all the friends today!!! a fun, random playdate!

storytime with daddy before bed!!

our first foray into food. avo in a mesh bag! he just enjoyed being able to chew something!

so... we think we have rented our condo for a few months. we have someone moving in next week for probably 3-6 months! yeah for that!!


Unknown said...

sorry its been so long, but im back to comment. i had a ton to catch up on! but all these pics are super cute!! i love james eating the avo- dude makes the best faces!!! also the one with nora and david where he is reading to her is SO SO cute. it is so great that nora and james and jeffrey play so nice together. i love reading nora's comments- she is quite the opinionated little 2 year old. I LOVE THOSE KIDS!!

Michelle said...

she said "hello cheese, i love you cheese" again the other day and i thought of you!! we missed you!