05 October 2009

fire department

jumping in the bouncy house... one of nora's favorite things to do (jump)

walking with kayden...

spraying the fire hose. by the way, she told me "no thankyou" when i asked if i could put something in her hair to keep it out of her eyes... that's why there are so many bangs! but, she said it so sweetly, i had to honor it!

hopefully the only time they are in the back of a cruiser.

so, we were at the fire department for an open house. nora loved it!!

she got to do her favorite thing in the world... drive the firetruck!!!

her earphones...

nora and daddy...

me and my babies!!

nora's "pet"... a cricket she and daddy caught... thanks so much!!

cute baby girl. i love her! (and her awesome pink converse! kinda jealous. i might want some...)

taking a cheese... and again, looking so cute! (again, clothed by others!!)

nora's new crown, that she so kindly shared with her brother!

i was changing james bed this morning, and asked nora to entertain her brother. she started reading to him. i was sure that if i left to go get the video camera, she would be done. but, i walked out of the room to go wash of james' diaper, and she was still reading... so, grabbed the vc and caught it! it's so much fun how much she loves her brother! he was sad in the bath tonight, and david walked in and nora told james "it's okay, daddy's here". umm, i was there all along! but, daddy makes it better!!

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