13 May 2009

so, this is a REALLY long video...  like six minutes.  but, it's for me, mostly... so i can remember how cute she was at this age, and how much she talked!  

we pray at every meal.  nora is good at folding her hands and bowing her head, usually before i even ask!  if i happen to have my hands folded at the table, regardless of whether we have prayed or not, or where we are in the meal, nora will say "pray" and get ready to pray again.  when we are done praying, she usually asks to pray for someone specific...  depending on who comes to mind.  we prayed a lot for byssa during basketball season, so she is the most popular.  we have also been praying for pop-pop to get a job, so he also ranks high.  auntie sarah and the elephants is a new favorite!  

today, we prayed and started eating.  nora looked at me and said "pray pop-pop new job", then bowed her head and said "dear Jesus"!!  bless her sweet little heart!!!

nora was calling james "buddy boy" this morning.  it was so cute!!  she just kept saying it and kissing him.  she absolutely adores her brother.  it is so fun to watch.  she just wants to kiss and hold him all the time.  (when she's not reading, that is!!) 

speaking of reading, she has been going into her room all morning to get books.  she brings them out to her chair to read.  then, she looks at me and says "shelf?", like she's telling me she is going to put them away on her shelf!  she just walked out and said "two books.."  man, she is definitely our kid!

my sweet husband came home from work yesterday and told me we were going on a date.  he had babysitting arranged (our first time leaving james!!!) and movie tickets bought.  we had a FABULOUS time, and no problems leaving the little ones with my AWESOME friend who took both kids along with her own boy (thanks chels!!!).  


Anonymous said...

so way to have the cutest kids on earth. you really make it hard for the rest of us to live up to the perfect one always being first. thanks shell. love you all!!!

Kristin Presley said...

Did she ever find the penguin? Was there really a penguin on her shirt? She was looking so hard for it and wanted to FIND IT!!!!

Michelle said...

she did find the penguin. and it was on her shirt. she just couldn't see it!