20 May 2009

mommy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow...

some zoo lovin...

it kept nora from running off...  but mark soon tired of being dragged everywhere!!!

the kids sat like this for oh, 0.5 seconds.  it was lunchtime...

the kids enjoyed seeing the macaques...

nora and nolan....

sweet girl!!!
well, we went today, actually.  we travelled VERY slowly through parts of the zoo, and had a good time.  we mostly enjoyed the time with our friends, as the animals didn't feel much like being outside in the 80* weather.  i told nora at one point to call the bears and tell them to wake up and play peek-a-boo.  she did... and the whole way home, as we talked about what we did, she kept saying "wake up, aboo!!!".  it was so cute!  

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