09 December 2014

snow day!

seeing snow for the first time.  he was so fascinated...

waiting to go outside!  just stood there. 

i made him turn for a pic!


my russian man!

hanging out with aunt lu and some other friends!!!

meanwhile, currently i am potty training a boy.  it started last week when he asked to wear underwear, cause his friend was.  and the next morning, he handed me a dirty diaper that he had taken off himself.  i decided i was done!  (also, we were down to about 5 diapers, so it was either start potty training or get more...)

the bribe that is currently working is iPad time.  he gets five minutes for each time he goes potty.  yesterday, that was every few hours.  now, when his time runs out, he runs to the potty.  and then, whatever minuscule amount has accumulated goes, and then he asks for more iPad time!  i may need to rethink this...  but, he's going on his own and going in the big potty!!  (i am watching!)

last week, on our first day, he had one success.  then, an hour or so later, i was upstairs putting b to bed.  and i hear:  "i went pee pee in the potty".  and yup, he did.  by himself!

on that note...  last night after dinner, he went in to the bathroom.  and a few minutes later, james went in to check on him.  he told us chris had gone poopy in the cars potty.  which would have been the first successful time.  and he had, sort of.  but then he tried to clean it up.  which made a bigger mess...

learning from this mistake, after we had put the boys in bed, we saw chris at the top of the stairs.  and asked him what was going on.  and he told us that james needed a bucket.  we went upstairs to find the bed covered and james in the middle of it.  thankfully, he hadn't moved and dragged the puke everywhere.  

i laid on the couch and just laughed.  to note, my husband did the heavy cleaning while i bathed the dirty boys.  so thankful!

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