01 November 2014


nora was reading to us. 

my pirate fairy (for those of you without girls this age, disney released a new movie called "the pirate fairy".  a friend of tinker bell...)

ninjago.  he's the blue ninja.  it's a lego character.

oh, and his goofy brother!!!

at the school's fall fest.  apparently the only time you wear costumes to school.  not actually on halloween.  

my lion.  waving...  such sweetness.


so i could see the hat.  

just his cuteness!

trying to let me see all of it!  

so, we had friends over last night to trick-or-treat with.  and it was so much fun.  i have such great memories from halloween night growing up.  apple cider.  chicken and dumpling soup.  friends and a bustling house.  well, that's what it was last night.  after scouring the neighborhood for candy, we threw on a movie for the kids and tried to play a game.  it was so much fun.  my heart was so full at the end of the night.  

the kids were up late, and slept in (i think...).  when we finally got woken up by the kids, it was due to crying.  chris came in, very upset.  here's our convo:

chris (sobbing):  nora hit me.
mom: why did nora hit you?
chris:  i bit her.
mom:  why did you bite her?
chris:  because she pushed me.
mom:  why did she push you?
chris:  because i was hitting her with this.  (showing me toy in hand)
mom:  why were you hitting her?
chris:  because i love to.

david and i couldn't do anything because we were laughing so hard.

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