08 May 2014

around town...

new prints for the house.  my favorite is the ko'olina in the top left!

walking with auntie byssa!


queen emma's summer palace.  the only palace in america!

more of the view from punchbowl!

saying good-bye to my sister!


my little grom!!!

just being cute!

the haile girls!

so i have realized that 5:30-7:20pm are my problem hours.  it's not just one night, it's been 8 nights.  i have to figure out how to fix that.  i know those hours are coming every night.  and they bring the same needs...  dinner, a sad baby at the same time that i want to eat.  bedtime routines.  devotions.  rowdy kids.  if they weren't such cute kids.  it's trying to do devotions with the kids that james and nora decide to play together so sweetly and giggle and have so much fun.  however, so frustrating to this momma.  what to do!  

on the upside...  the kids all go to bed at 7pm, and i have had snuggle time with each of the kids recently and it's been so fun!  james is trying to read.  nora is doing a great job with her reading.  chris loves to sing!  brandon is a DREAM!  

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