29 December 2012


our good friend, j, is a chaplain.  and his wife (a good friend) was saying something about him doing a dedication for friends at the beach.  and i had a thought.  we had nora dedicated by david's grandpa when she was a baby.  but we never had james dedicated.  and we LOVE our church, but we also know that we won't be part of it forever.  so, we had j dedicate our boys with our parents and friends.  it was a fun and special afternoon...

they stay so much more still when they are babies!

so thankful for our families that raised us, and our kids....

i got to have these three girls spend the night a few weeks ago...  they were so sweet!

all five kids... they didn't stay that way all night...

the kids were playing outside and wanted to play with the hose.  i told them they could if they washed the car!

at the beach!

pushing up the log so they could sit!

trying to stand...

and he made it!!!!

surfing again!!!

my boy would go!

a haircut from his sissy!

the professional version...

high and tight!!!

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