01 August 2012


sweet friends...

waiting for her gold...

getting their medals...

all smiles.  (yes, she took the center, highest position... )

sweet boy...

getting his medal.  

his class!

they finished another session of swim.  it was a great session.  if you live in hawaii, TOTALLY take your kids there.  that said, we are taking a break from them.  i have LOVED them.  you should see james swim now.  he's so much better than before.  he's made SUCH. HUGE. improvements!  but, i spend 45-69 minutes in the car to get there.  the only convenient times are going the WRONG way in traffic.  (it should take 15 minutes.)  and we found a guy who does them at our pool.  for cheaper.  and they are private.  how could i say no?  so, we will be walking to swim from now on...

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