12 September 2011


james playing his "video games". (on the old iPod that doesn't work...)

nora and her artwork. that she so wonderfully decorated my fridge with. some of the pictures even have baby christopher in them!

a post-church snack. potato chips. three happy campers!

ahh... the reward for being so good at running errands...

on our anniversary! love that it listed how far it is to cleveland. (fyi- we are at hilo hattie's killing time before dinner!)

what a joy it is to be married to this man! he is so much fun. and looks so cute in his aloha wear!! the other night, i was SUPER cranky. just in a bad mood. david asked, "what did i do?". it was so sweet. he wanted to know what wrong, but also kept asking what he had done. and what he could do to make it better. i tried so hard to reassure him that i was just hormonal. nothing was wrong, he was the BEST husband in the world! it was so sweet...

jamey had his foot doctor appointment today. they loved the way his feet look... and he gets a new bar and shoe combo. hopefully he will like wearing them better at night. he currently HATES them! it was so fun to have just him at the doctor. i so rarely get time with just him anymore, since he is in school, too. but, i think he really likes it!

nora asked God to be her Savior yesterday. by herself. while she was coloring. jamey and i were talking about God's love and what He did to show His love... sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins, rising again, and all we had to do was believe and ask forgiveness for our sins. nora chimed in. i asked if she had ever prayed and asked God to be her Savior. she said she hadn't, and didn't know how. i asked if she wanted to and she said no. five minutes later, she walked over to me and told me that she had prayed. it was so sweet! then, she tried to get james to do it with her!

jamey and nora LOVE playing "mom and dad" to their baby dolls. jamey will sing "love you forever" to the baby, and say, "it's okay, daddy is here". so sweet! (he has also taken to saying, "i'm sorry, it's my fault".)

i am feeling christopher move a lot now. it's so fun. i was also encouraged yesterday, because i had a decent run. i had been having a harder time running, or running my whole distance without stopping. yesterday, i did almost my whole run! it was nice! i have been trying to really listen to my body and stop when i need to. but, it feels so good to run!!!

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