11 April 2011


yesterday, nora wanted to play dress up with me. so, i did what any self-respecting mom would do... put on my prom dress from sophomore year of high school!! it was fun. i spent the afternoon in it... sewing away, running up and down stairs holding the dress out of my way. i did change before i went to pick up david on base. thought the guys at the gate would look at me a little funny...

my kids the other day... having a "movie theater" in the castle. it was so cute to watch them play and just lay together...

nora really wanted to play "trains" with the dominoes. guess we are starting her early!! she had RULES (read, i never touched a domino because i didn't do it right...), and told me she learned them at grammie's. she had so much fun!

to die for... LOVE those little tushies! they might hate me for this some day!

how i found the kids cups the other morning...


it's been a fun and busy week. on sunday, i got to spend an hour g-chatting with a DEAR friend. it was a wonderful way to start the week. we have just stayed busy this week... getting to spend time with friends, impromptu visits to hold 1 week old babies, and a trip to the gi doctor. nothing really different. he wants to do an endoscopy, but david and i decided we are going to do a diet change and see how that works first. so, today is day one of gluten-free living!! so far, so good! (and no tummy ache complaints today!!)

i just called the preschool that we are considering sending nora to. i had a few questions about uniforms, etc. (they don't have one), and then asked about shoes (thinking i was asking if they had to be sneakers, closed-toed, etc.). she told me they don't have to wear them, except maybe when the go on field trips it's a good idea. oh yeah, we are moving to hawaii!!

did i tell you i fell in love with a house? but i can't do anything about it until we are actually ON the island (meaning i can't have someone else go look at it and make a decision). it was nice, because i had prayed for a door to be wide open or just shut. this seems pretty shut for now! (it SEEMS to be an awesome house, for an AWESOME price. and i think it's been on the market since january- yes, that could be a red flag- so we'll see) maybe it will be available in five weeks, and we'll go from there!

in 2 1/2 weeks, they come to pack up our house and ship it to a tropical island! anyone want a washer/dryer, some wintery clothes, a north face fleece, pots and pans, a black pleather couch from ikea... an entertainment center/coffee table/side table? i am going to start posting to craigslist... here we go again!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

SO loved visiting with you too! =)