14 February 2011

what a day...

the kiddos watching a show!

remainders of my day... shakes for breakfast. mcdonalds' for lunch... a chai tea i made myself this morning. we left at 8:30am and got home at 5pm.

first was the gym. then, the bounce house! the kids had a blast!! we met several of our friends there, along with making some new friends. including a woman who grew up 10 minutes from me! (she noticed jamey's cleveland browns sweatshirt and commented on it!)

the kids... jamey really enjoyed it this week! i was so thankful!


after the bounce house, we got lunch and then went on to our friends' house for a sewing/playdate. i put jamey to bed, the other kids played and we sewed. the other mommy is also starting her own business, so we had a lot to talk about as far as websites, design, wholesaling fabric, etc. it was so fun and refreshing! we plan to do it regularly!!

i should also note that i came home to a red velvet cupcake... my hubby knows they are my fav and got me one!! what a sweet man... beats out flowers any day of the week! (he's also working on dinner... LOVE HIM!)

1 comment:

CNB said...

Sounds like a busy but great day! What cute kiddos and what a sweet husband!!