26 August 2009

pretty dresses and wednesday mornings...

another lesson... i have also learned that a pretty dress on a wednesday morning, just because, is not a bad thing. taking pleasure in the small things is vital! for instance, i go to the bathroom SEVERAL times a day. and i am not usually alone. my shadow follows me EVERYWHERE, asking "what are you doing, mommy". let me tell you, my "what i am doing" didn't change in the last 10 seconds. i am still... making lunch, feeding baby james, doing laundry... but i digress. so, my shadow follows me into the bathroom, and since we have started potty training, she exclaims "you DID it, mommy! you went pee-pee potty!!!". i wish you could hear the excitement in her voice as she exclaims this (and i am sure it mirrors my own excitement when she goes in the potty). but, i am learned to delight in the small things as well as the big things...

as a potty training aside... we have about an accident a day... probably our laziness and lack of asking. she's so good at telling us, that sometimes i forget! and, i think we are moving away from giving jellybeans/choc covered sunflower seeds as a treat. she hasn't asked recently! i am debating whether or not she will get the concept of an accident-free day and giving a treat for that!
a cute little video of james, just chatting. like a typical boy, he was MUCH more chatty after i turned off the camera! meanwhile, nora has figured out how to open up her bedroom door. this morning, i had heard her playing for awhile, but when i went to get james up, she appeared right behind me and said "mommy, i'm awake!" and just now, when i tried to lay her down for her nap, she said "but, i'm awake." yesterday, it was "i'm not tired"... she proceeded to take a three hour nap!


The Killian Krew said...

He is SO cute!! Love the casts, green is his color:)

Lori Thomas said...

That is so funny about the pee pee potty but isn't it nice that you talents are appreciated. Moms rarely get that kind of praise!