21 April 2009

so, i wasn't thinking, and uploaded the pictures out of order...  this picture is of james' feet last week...  

what a cute little body...  check out her tan lines (those are just from yesterday...  oops!!)  thankfully she didn't get burned at all!!  today, she and her daddy went out to do some more jumps!  (james had just gone down for a nap...)

then, this is the picture of yesterday.  the doctor said his feet look awesome.  she seemed to have some surprise in her voice at how fast they were moving!  his left food is correcting faster than his right, but that's normal.  next week, we are also doing an ultrasound of his hips to make sure everything is still normal and the casts aren't causing any problems (it sounded routine, not like they were worried at all...)  

and, she said there is a possible they may not have to to the tendonectomy.  we'll see!!!  they also told us not to worry if the feet seem to point outwards.  they tend to overcorrect, so it's normal!

did i mention how much i love our doctors?  they have all been great.  and in case i didn't mention it, they did call to say that the chest x-ray looked perfectly normal!  

tomorrow is david's last day of leave.  we will be sad to have him go back to work!  it's been nice having him around!  today we took it easy... david got sunburned yesterday, and it was too hot to do the zoo or anything not in the water!!!  here's to cooler weather!!

and, enjoy the video of nora reading!  she is just absolutely precious!  i love hearing her read to us!!!  it's her favorite book... hop on pop!  if you can understand her, you notice that she gets a lot of the major words.  there is one part where all fall off the wall... nora kisses them all better. 

1 comment:

Heather and Spencer said...

That video was so cute Shell. My favorite was of course the part where she made a rhino sound...it was perfect! ;)