so, we went to ohio for thanksgiving. it was such a fun trip! first of all, it was nice to finally not be braving 95* weather... and trade it for 32* weather. we very much enjoyed our week, and nora even got to play in the snow. however, the 20 minutes it took to get her ready were so not worth it from her point of view!!! we spent five minutes outside, and she didn't really enjoy it. way too overdressed and she couldn't move! so, every time she fell, her face landed ended up in the snow, and she couldn't get up! and she kept falling off the sled! but, there is hope for another time!
nora is a joy to be around right now. she is so fun, and learning and saying new things all the time. she has learned many animal sounds. my two favorites are gorilla (making a noise and pounding chest), and sea lion (again, making the noise, but also clapping hands together!!!). it's so cute. i am going to try to get the video to load!
today, i had a doctor's appointment... just the weight, blood pressure and baby's heartbeat kind. but, nora had to come with me. as we walked from the parking garage to the building, we must have passed some 20-30 people. nora said hi and waved to EACH PERSON!! it was so cute. the same for the way back to the car. then, i was sitting at a stoplight, realizing the two 30-something men in the car next to me are waving. i hear nora in the back saying hi!!! what a friendly little girl!!
another new development... HUGS!! nora loves to give them. and they are tight! she will wrap her arms around your neck and just squeeze! it could melt my heart. i would give her just about anything for one of those hugs!!!
alright, more pics to come!!
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