in our Bible study, there are two sets of twins... and then nora (and four other babies. there is nora and one other girl. nora seems to be surrounded by a ton of boys!!!)... so, this was the group on thursday. nora loved staring at steven and playing with all the boys on the blanket.
the video is from today, nora sitting up so big! she is so cute! and a little fussy... i really hope these teeth come through sometime soon.
nora had a first today... she went into the childcare at jazzercise! sometimes she gets a little cranky, then will fall asleep. today, she wasn't having it AT ALL!!! so, after picking her up and trying to calm her down, i tried to put her back in her seat. it didn't work. it was either give up on my workout (which i REALLY didn't want to do), or put her in. she seemed to really enjoy the childcare. it's probably more fun playing with other kids than watching jazzercise.
can i digress about jazzercise for just one minute? i was thinking today... here is a room full of about fifty women, all 20-60-somethings... probably about half around my age, half around my mom's. there is one girl who looks like she is trying out to be jenna jameson (maybe that's her other job), an older women who looks like she needs a pole, and a bunch of other women rocking out to justin timerberlake, usher and j lo. i mean, where else can you totally rock out and have a blast while getting an awesome workout? that's all i have for now... hope my description wasn't too graphic! i really do love it!
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